Wednesday, February 10, 2010

13 weeks

Since I have had Type 1 diabetes since I was 6, I knew that this pregnancy would be considered high risk. I have been going to at least one doctor's appointment a week! I go to Backus for my diabetes care and to Day Kimball for my OB. I am working VERY hard to keep my blood sugars in good control and my latest a1C was 6.2. That is a very good number and I am trying to get in the 5's for the remainder of my pregnancy.

I also have to go to the UConn Health Center for my big ultrasounds. We went for our first trimester ultrasound at 13 weeks 2 days. They did screenings for downs syndrome and a few other genetic disorders (all of which the Bean does not have or has a very low chance of developing.) For the downs test, they have to measure the Bean's fluid on the back of the neck. The Bean did not want to cooperate! We shook my belly, laid on my side, went to the bathroom, jumped up and down to see if the Bean would move... I hope this is not going to be a foreshdowing of how Bean is going to act when Bean is born! The bonus of the uncooperative behavior was that we got to have a 45 minute ultrasound!!! It was amazing. It was such a special time for Eric and I to look at our little baby and see it (I hate calling Bean "it"!) move and kick and open it's mouth. At one point both of Bean's hands went up as if it was saying, "That's enough!"

We also got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. It was a healthy 158bpm.

.:Look at that cute little profile! I think the Bean is going to have Eric's mouth for some reason:.

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