Thursday, February 18, 2010

Preparing to be outnumbered...

Because - IT'S A BOY!!!

We had out Level II ultrasound at UConn today and things went well. Of course our little man was laying the wrong way so they couldn't measure some of the things they needed to, but we will be going back next month for an echo cardiogram and more measurements. Bean has all of his important extremities and the brain and heart look good. The ultrasound tech said that he has big feet! I will post the ultrasound pics soon, but it was plain as day that little Bean is a boy!!

Thanks to all of those that voted. I honestly had no feeling one way or the other. Now I am preparing myself for lots of mud, frogs and salamanders!


  1. sooo excited for you guys! i cant wait to meet him! :)

  2. yahoo!!!! snips, snails [my fave! ;)] and puppy dog dails...RUN FINN!!! :) hehe!
    congratulations once again!!
